Updated July 24, 2015
Scheduled Tax Audit In Chicago Illinois
If you have been scheduled for a tax audit, whether it is at the Federal, State, or Unemployment Level, your first job is to get adequate representation.
Many people make the mistake of trying to handle an examination by themselves. That’s certainly one of the biggest mistakes that you could make.
You don’t speak the language of taxation. You neither know tax law, nor know how to represent yourself in a professional manner. Can you possibly anticipate what they will ask so that you can prepare a reasonable response? You’re simply too close to the subject. Why any client would ever try to do this on their own is simply beyond imagination.
If it’s an IRS Audit, they are going to be looking at every potential or actual federal tax that you pay. In your mind, you’re thinking that its an income tax audit, so they are going to be looking at your business Income Tax Return. But while they’re at it, they will also look at all payroll tax compliance along with your personal income tax returns as well.
If it is what’s commonly known in Chicago as a Sales Tax Audit, the state will be looking at all four of the taxes that they collect. Those are Sales, Use, Payroll, and Income Tax.
If you are having problems with your Scheduled Tax Audit In Chicago Illinois or have issues with your accounting in general, we would love to help. I enjoy hearing from my readers, and can be contacted at
Additional Accounting Articles and information on my firm can be found at
Chris Amundson is the President of Accounting Solutions Ltd., a full service public accounting firm of Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents handling the bookkeeping, accounting, tax preparation, and audit representation needs of Businesses, Estates, Trusts, and Upper Income Individuals