Aug 25, 2015 | Federal Income Tax, Non-Filers
August 25, 2015 Unfiled Business Income Taxes Tax Preparation Chicago Illinois So you have unfiled business income tax returns. What do you do? Should you ignore it? Do you think that it will go away by itself? If you do not file your...
May 27, 2015 | Federal Income Tax, Non-Filers
The primary reasons why successful and seasoned business owners have unfiled income tax returns is that their accountant died, retired, or just got too old to be able to handle the job competently. It is difficult to change tax practitioners once you have an...
May 18, 2015 | Federal Income Tax, Federal Payroll Tax, General Accounting, Illinois Department of Revenue, Illinois Sales and Use Tax Audit, Illinois Unemployment, Non-Filers, Payroll Tax Problems
Small Business Accountant – What to do if you’ve been levied Chicago Illinois You own a small business and you’ve been levied. What do you do now? 1 – Check the amount for reasonableness I’m sure it is difficult to believe, but...