As we head into a well-deserved three-day weekend, we’d be remiss in our duties as Americans if we didn’t take the time to remember what Memorial Day is about. A recent survey tells us that over two-thirds of Americans when asked, have no idea about the reason or purpose behind this most solemn of occasions.
On Memorial Day we remember the US Service Members who died defending our great nation.
It was originally named Decoration Day, and was instituted after the Civil War. Given the 620K Americans who lost their lives in that conflict, communities would hold tributes in the spring reciting prayers, and decorating the graves of the fallen; hence the name.
In 1971, the last Monday in May was officially set aside for all to celebrate our Memorial Day.
I come from a family with a long history of service to our nation. My father served in the Army at the beginning of Nam, two of my uncles served in the Navy during the same period, and my youngest uncle, who had an IQ in the 170’s, worked on the guidance systems of the ICBM’s in the Arizona Desert for the Army.
But they all made it home safely to the loving arms of our family. Whether you’ve lost a loved one in the service of our nation or not, can you possibly imagine the sacrifice?
Our debt to these great men and women can never possibly be repaid.
Freedom isn’t free. There’s only one currency it accepts, which is the very life’s blood of our youngest, strongest, and brightest.
The greatest casualty of any war is being forgotten
As we go into this long weekend, take a moment to remember the fallen. If you have children, teach them about the true meaning of the holiday.
If you have time, go to a local cemetery and decorate the graves of our honored dead. Let your children see how important it is. Teach them with your actions rather than just your words.
If you have the symbol of our great nation, fly it proudly in front of your home. If you don’t, buy an American Flag, and put it out for all to see.
Take a moment, stand in front of it, and put your feet together. Put your shoulders back, your head up, place your hand over your heart, and repeat after me…
I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic
For which it stands
One Nation, Under God, Indivisible
With Liberty and Justice for all
I do it every day.
And as you say those so-important words, allow your mind to wander. Think of the millions of brave Americans who died giving you the privilege you now enjoy; a life of freedom.
America has her problems. We’re by no means a perfect nation. Our upcoming elections are proof of that.
But I’ve traveled most of the world and consistently see people celebrating American Culture. Whether strolling the Champs Elysee in Paris or the Forum in Rome, you don’t see people in Chanel or Armani.
You see French and Italian Citizens wearing Levi’s, Ralph Lauren, and Kate Spade. It seems at times, as if the only people who don’t like America are Americans.
Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are flooding our southern border not because they have nowhere else to go, but because our country is way better than the ones they’re leaving. And one of the things that made it great is the ultimate sacrifice of our fallen American Service Men and Women.
So let’s do whatever we can to honor their sacrifices and those of their families. Instead of just saying, “Happy Memorial Day”, let’s do what’s necessary to have a meaningful Memorial Day.
We’re all going to get through this. Let’s get through it together.
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Sincerely yours,
Chris Amundson
Accounting Solutions Ltd.
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