Most of Illinois began a partial reopening strategy today. Chicago will not begin until next Wednesday, June 3rd. Exactly what those few extra days will accomplish is beyond imagination.
The highlights of Governor Pritzker’s Phase 3 Plan are as follows…
– Restaurants can reopen as long as their seating is restricted to outdoor seating only. Several suburbs are helping their restaurateurs by closing streets and erecting tents to accommodate this change.
– Non-essential retailers are allowed to reopen while limiting the number of customers inside the premises at one time.
– Personal care services such as salons, barber shops, and tattoo parlors can reopen by reservation only.
– Outdoor recreation can begin again with the State Parks and Campground now becoming accessible.
– Golfers are again allowed to play in foursomes. They can also use a cart.
– Health Clubs and Gyms can reopen for personal training and outdoor classes only.
All of this must come with strict social distancing in place, not allowing groups of more than ten to congregate at one time.
Speaking of Congregations, last night The Governor caved on all of his restrictions for churches. Prior to a case going to The Supreme Court, he did an about face, and removed all restrictions on houses of worship. They may again reopen for services.
Doesn’t this make you wonder what would happen if a case representing all of Illinois, rather than just the churches, went to The Supreme Court?
Update on PPP Loan Forgiveness
Many of you have contacted us in reference to receiving help with getting your PPP Loans forgiven. I don’t want you to think that I have ignored you. It has just taken some time to gather our thoughts and put a viable plan into place.
Our program includes on-going consultation, document collection, and preparation of all Loan Forgiveness Paperwork. Rather than just providing consulting, as many others are doing, we will actually do the necessary forgiveness application and provide the supporting documentation for your lending institution. Additional information on this can be found at this link…
Let me leave you with this one thought.
We live in a world of contradictions.
– Murderers are released from custody while Entrepreneurs are threatened with felonies if they reopen
– I can drive my family of three to the Lake, but if we all get onto my sailboat, we will catch the disease.
– You can still get an abortion, but not a colonoscopy.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mayor Lightfoot has confirmed that she is adding $56M in funding to increase Contact Tracing. Can you imagine all of those extra bureaucrats running around in circles wasting more taxpayer money?
Welcome to the era of George Orwell’s Big Brother.
I continue to preach the gospel of maintaining your sanity in these difficult times for good reason. We are beginning to see the uglier portions of our civilization unravel. The rioting in Minnesota and the domestic terrorism in Florida are boths signs of the stress and aggravation inherent in these times. We probably haven’t even begun to see the end of these types of problems.
You need to do whatever is necessary to maintain your common sense and your ability to make a reasonable decision.
Take some time for yourself. Read a book, do some gardening, or just get some rest. Do whatever it takes. Once you have centered your soul, let your children know that they are your sun, your moon, and your stars. Spend some time with your spouse and let them know just how much you truly love them. These times aren’t easy on your loved ones either. Let them know that no matter what, you will all get through this together.
And know that no matter what, we are here to help you as well.
Accounting Solutions Ltd. stands ready to complete its mission and purpose of protecting you, your family, and your business. Whatever you may need, whether you are a current client or not, please don’t hesitate to contact us. I stand ready and remain,
Sincerely yours,
Chris Amundson
Accounting Solutions Ltd.
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