The Senate has approved another $484B in additional funding for corona virus relief. The highlights of the bill are as follows…
– $310B in additional funding is allocated for the Payroll Protection Program
– Out of that $310B, $60B is allocated to small and medium sized lending institutions. This is an effort to try to get these funds in the hands of smaller businesses.
– $60B is allocated to refund the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program at the SBA.
– Out of that $60B, $10B is allocated to the $10,000 emergency grant that is available inside the EIDL.
If things go smoothly in The House today, The President is expected to sign it into law tomorrow. Demand for these funds is expected to be extremely high. If you have not already submitted a loan package and intend to do so, please proceed with all haste. You cannot presume that there will be another round of funding for the PPP Loan.
Your books and records have never been more important. If you do not have everything that you need in order to complete an application, please contact us today. If you have not sent your work into us yet to be completed, please get it in today.
Hundred of thousands of these applications are going to go into the SBA. They will only have time to process the ones that are complete. If you are missing something important like an income tax return or a current financial statement, do you actually think that they will take the time to get back to you to ask for what they are missing? They will probably just move on to the next applicant that has included everything they are looking for so that the loan can be rubber stamped for approval.
Receiving this forgivable loan could mean the difference between the survival or ultimate failure of your business. This shutdown looks like it will last even longer than any of us had originally planned. Get your work into us today.
Let me leave you today with this one parting thought…
One of the more interesting and frankly sad concepts of human existence is the fact that civilization progresses faster in times of war than it does in times of peace.
War forces us to innovate, improvise, and accomplish our needs in different and unusual manners. Times of peace usually don’t force us to do anything other than to conduct business as usual. This concept of additional progress is rather sick, sad, and disgusting. But it is also frankly true.
The point is that in the middle of this war, I am beginning to see the rumblings of innovation.
This shutdown has forced us to do whatever is necessary to keep our businesses operating. It has driven us to seek alternative ways to distribute our products. It has compelled us to find different ways to produce our services. It has coerced us to find new ways to manufacture and control the quality of our goods and services.
It has created a departure from the past, and an innovation for our future.
Let’s not tease ourselves into believing that all change is good. It isn’t. Change can be bad. But the point is that these difficult times have forced us to improvise. And while all of the change that comes will not be bad, some of it will also be good.
The point is that you cannot manage a changing environment in a normal manner. Because you will have failures, it forces you to manage your business in a different fashion.
When I was a little boy, my Mother, who is a second generation entrepreneur, taught me the following. Let’s say that you have one hundred middle managers in a room, and all of them have made a mistake. The following will probably occur.
– Ninety will try to convince you that they didn’t make a mistake in the first place.
– Out of the remaining ten, nine will be strong enough to admit that they actually made a mistake.
– But only one out of the original one hundred will be strong and smart enough to admit that they made a mistake, and will propose a new course of action to correct that mistake.
You need to be that one manager.
You need to be the one who is able to admit when they are wrong, and able to move in another direction as quickly as possible. As things change, you will have failures, but you cannot get caught up in them. You don’t have the time to be infected by a bad case of analysis paralysis.
You have to lead. You have to be that one manager who can pivot in a moment’s notice. If you are going to get through this, you need to be the entrepreneur that you were born to be.
When this is over, you will then be able to incorporate the good changes into your business, to make the overall enterprise better. In other words, you can turn this crisis into an opportunity, and we are here to help.
Accounting Solutions Ltd. stands ready to complete its mission and purpose to protect you, your family, and your business. If there is anything that you need, or even if you just need to talk, we stand ready to assist you with any of your needs. I’m here, and I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Chris Amundson
Accounting Solutions Ltd.
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