I recently read an article about all of the things lost in the pandemic. Some were reasonable. Others were just funny.
Did you know that pants have been lost in the pandemic? Given the fact that people now work from home, many don’t even put on pants.
College textbooks are no longer being printed. With all of the online courses, they just aren’t necessary. What are these kids going to use to put under something like a bed when it breaks?
Many of the things lost were frightening, like office space. What will downtown Chicago ever do to regain itself? You can only convert so many office buildings to condos.
Malls were another. With so much commerce going online, no one goes to them anymore. What are we going to do with all of that unused retail?
Like many true entrepreneurs, I’m different. I try to find the silver lining in all things, so let’s break the chain of despair for once in our lives. Let’s focus on the positive.
I’m now thinking of at least four Brothers and Sisters who had a strong retail presence, and no online presence whatsoever. The pandemic forced them to create one. They’re having success to varying degrees, but here’s the point.
They had the strength to overcome, improvise, and adapt.
This will certainly help them in the future. As the pandemic goes into our rear view mirror, people will go back to some of their old habits. Let’s face it. Some people just like to shop. With their new online presence, these entrepreneurs will certainly be in better shape then they were before.
What about all of my Brothers and Sisters in the food and beverage industry? This hasn’t been an easy year for them, but I’m now thinking of three of you who have used this time to brighten your futures.
One took the time to do the improvements necessary to bring his facility into this century. They’ve radically altered their image as well as their offerings to cater to a younger clientele.
With so many restaurants and bars going out of business, there were plenty of opportunities. One of these entrepreneurs just did a deal with a landlord to take over two existing facilities. The third bought up a very solidly producing facility for pennies on the dollar.
Just because they were shut down, didn’t mean they needed to lay down as well.
My point is that the entrepreneurial spirit isn’t dead in this country. For many, the pandemic was what you made of it. So much of this, as in all things related to entrepreneuring, just came down to you.
For many, it was your first true taste of adversity. Many thought that leading a business through good times and bad was supposed to be easy. I hope you’ve learned that nothing comes easy in entrepreneuring. If it was easy, everyone would be capable.
Others dug in, shouldered a weapon, and worked even longer and harder than before. Many used this time to radically change their offerings, their facilities, or their means of production. Now, given that hard work and sacrifice, those entrepreneurs will reap the benefits of that hard work.
Why? Because they deserve.
People forget that so much of entrepreneuring isn’t about building the best mousetrap or being the smartest person in the room. Most of the time it’s just about working harder and having the courage in impossible times to take the risks necessary to succeed.
If there is one thing that’s certain, it’s that none of us will ever be the same again.
We’re all going to get through this. Let’s get through it together.
Accounting Solutions Ltd. stands ready to complete our mission and purpose of protecting you, your family, and your business. If there is anything you need, whether you are a current client or not, you have but to ask. I’m here and I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Chris Amundson
Accounting Solutions Ltd.
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