Virtual Work Almost At Pre-Pandemic Levels

A study by the Labor Department showed that at the end of 2022, the number of businesses who said their employees either never or rarely teleworked was at 72.5 %. Prior to the C-19 Pandemic, that number was 76.7%.

Since reopening procedures began, the number has risen steadily. At the end of 2021, it was at 60.1%.

Many cite a lack of productivity in demanding that virtual workers return to work as a recession looms. Others see a lack of innovation, creativity, and collaboration when teams are apart.

Managers discuss a lack of mentoring and training with virtual workers. Some say that it’s impossible for virtual workers to reach the next level without the additional coaching which is only possible in an onsite environment.

Our experience with it was a disaster. It came down to the fact that you can’t build a team without a clubhouse.

My only point is that this grand experiment in the workplace seems at an end. Whether you agree or not is up to you.

Let me leave you with this.

The pandemic seems to have changed more societal beliefs than previously understood. A new poll from The Wall Street Journal, and NORC, a nonpartisan research organization at The University of Chicago, has brought to light some alarming trends.

The polls were taken separately in 1998 and 2023, asking questions about the importance of the following issues.

1998 2023
Patriotism 70% 38%
Religion 59% 30%
Having Children 59% 30%
Community Involvement 47% 27%
Money 31% 43%

Take a moment and let those numbers sink in. It tells a surprising story of where our collective heads seem to be.

The fact that core American Values such as patriotism, religion, having children, and community involvement have dropped so significantly speak volumes. The fact that the importance of money is the only one that has risen in popularity says something as well.

These differences are nothing short of dramatic. Political division, Covid, and a lowering economic confidence in the future has taken a frightening toll on our country.

Realize that this new society is where we need to sell our products and services. How do we move products off the shelf to buyers who are more interested in racial diversity in the workplace and gender neutral pronouns, than the country that bore them?

I remember a conversation I had at the Christmas Dinner Table near the end of the eighties with my now sainted Grandfather and Uncles. They talked about how they were afraid for the future, and how America was going to Hell in a handcart.

Are we really there? I certainly hope not. Things can change. But they will only change with leadership from people like you and me.

Many think that America’s best days are behind her. My question to you would be where are you going to go?

I’ve traveled most of the world. Wherever I go, I find people who want to be Americans. Whether you’re on the streets of Rome, Paris, or even Prague, they wear our clothes, listen to our music, and cherish just about everything that’s American.

As soon as you say you’re an American, the questions begin in a frantic nature. Where are you from? What’s it like? Where’s the best place to get deep dish or a Chicago Hot Dog? The questions don’t end.

It seems like everyone wants to be American, except Americans.

Think about that. Think about how blessed you truly are. The problems we have can be solved, but it’ll take leadership.

And that simply comes down to you and me.

We’re all going to get through this. Let’s get through it together.

Accounting Solutions Ltd. stands ready to complete our mission and purpose of protecting you, your family, and your business. Whether you need Employee Retention Credits, M&A Due Diligence, Payroll Services, or Accounting and Tax Work, you have but to ask. I’m here and I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Chris Amundson
Accounting Solutions Ltd.

Note that the only professional services provided by Accounting Solutions Ltd. are those specified in a written communication from our office detailing the scope of services to be rendered and the terms and conditions applicable to the engagement.