Updated July 17, 2015
What is the sales tax rate in Chicago, Illinois?
The sales tax rate in Chicago, Illinois, Cook County, is 9.25% on most tangible goods sold inside the city, and 2.25% on food, drugs, and medical appliances. As of June 2015
Sales tax returns, or The Illinois Department of Revenue Form ST-1, are one of the most commonly audited forms or tax types in our state. They are difficult to prepare properly. Sales tax revenues are a huge money maker for Springfield. Given the states ever present financial woes, they love to audit these forms. Illinois needs the revenue that is naturally generated when people who don’t know what they are doing, try to complete their own forms and are audited.
If you are having problems with your sales tax rate chicago illinois or have issues with your accounting in general, we would love to help. I enjoy hearing from my readers, and can be contacted at
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Chris Amundson is the President of Accounting Solutions Ltd., a full service public accounting firm of Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents handling the bookkeeping, accounting, tax preparation, and audit representation needs of Businesses, Estates, Trusts, and Upper Income Individuals.