Jun 25, 2015 | Small Business Tax Preparation Company
Updated July 2, 2015 Having a Small Business Tax Preparation Company Chicago Illinois can be challenging. We signed a new client yesterday that has such a sadly familiar story that I wanted to share it with all of my readers. “Jane”, not her real...
Jun 12, 2015 | General Accounting, Record Keeping / Bookkeeping, Small Businesses
June 12, 2015 Tax Accountant and CPA contact- How accessible should my CPA be Chicago Illinois? Accounting relationships are no different than any of the other relationship that you have either professionally or personally. Open lines of honest...
May 27, 2015 | Federal Income Tax, Non-Filers
The primary reasons why successful and seasoned business owners have unfiled income tax returns is that their accountant died, retired, or just got too old to be able to handle the job competently. It is difficult to change tax practitioners once you have an...
Apr 21, 2015 | Business Tax Preparation Company
Updated July 2, 2015 We have a very strong commitment to bookkeeping. Other firms will happily prepare a business income tax return based upon the work of the client, while forcing the client to sign a liability waiver absolving the CPA of any responsibility on...