Jul 1, 2015 | Federal Income Tax
Updated July 1, 2015 Business Tax Preparation in Chicago Illinois normally involves three different categories; Income, Payroll, and Sales Tax Return Preparation. Many new customers will say, “Chris, I only need you to do my business and personal income tax...
Jun 25, 2015 | Small Business Tax Preparation Company
Updated July 2, 2015 Having a Small Business Tax Preparation Company Chicago Illinois can be challenging. We signed a new client yesterday that has such a sadly familiar story that I wanted to share it with all of my readers. “Jane”, not her real...
Apr 13, 2015 | Small Businesses
April 13, 2015 Life can be difficult when you are a Small Business Accountant Tax Preparation Chicago Illinois two day before the end of tax season. But something happened today that illustrates our commitment not only to quality, but also to our clients. One...