Payroll can either be extremely easy or incredibly difficult.
Here for You
Professional Payroll Solutions
You can try to save money by doing it yourself. Getting the forms balanced and submitted correctly is a nightmare. When you look at the time, penalties, and aggravation involved, utilizing a payroll service not only saves money but headaches and lots of ibuprofen.
Not all payroll services are created equally. Most are incredibly large organizations with employees who don’t know much, haven’t been there long, and aren’t going to stay long either. When you have a problem, and there are always problems, you call and leave a message on someone’s voicemail. When someone gets back to you from Bangladesh three days later, your problem has multiplied into a full blown nightmare.
My payroll service is performed by public accounting professionals for serious entrepreneurs. If you call during regular business hours, you’ll get a professional on the phone who can help you. If you’re one of our regular accounting clients, having everything under one roof saves even more time and aggravation.
We offer any payroll regularity imaginable, and electronic or paper processing. Most importantly, we offer the professional services necessary to back it up. If you’re ready to eliminate the penalties and headaches which are so prevalent in this function, please give me a call.