Vacationing Rules For Entrepreneurs

I recently read an article saying that “Do Nothing Vacations” have risen in popularity. In a new poll, vacations with nothing more than Sea, Sand, Sun, and my favorite other thing that begins with an “S”, had risen in popularity from 17% to 21% in US Households.

I’ve also had a few conversations with clients who are doing well from a financial standpoint, but aren’t taking the time to take care of themselves.

Mentally, they’re a wreck. So I thought that I’d provide the benefit of some of my experience after 34 years of managing men, money, material, machinery, and marketing.

1 – Vacations Are Mandatory

You know that you need one desperately, but there never seems to be a good time. Things are going reasonably well, then you lose a key employee or a client, and you push the idea of getting away out of your head.

This happens more than once, a year and a half goes by, and you’re so crazed that you couldn’t reach a reasonable decision with a map, a seeing-eye-dog, and a Sherpa Guide. What do you think will then happen to your business?

Probably nothing good.

Schedule your vacations for the times of year where things are normally slow. Make it a point, each and every year, to get away during those times.

You need to plan your vacations with the same enthusiasm and forethought that you put into your business plan. Your employees and your family will thank you.

If you don’t, you might not have any employees or a family in the first place.

2 – Make Sure You Plan Vacations That Are Long-Enough To De-Stress

The rules are different for us. Many times, when we go away, we still need to work.

Remember, Entrepreneuring isn’t just a job. It’s an adventure.

I’ve always taken a few extra days, knowing that I’ll need to work while out of town. As long as I have a phone and an internet connection for my laptop, I can still handle any situation that arises.

Many might then ask a simple question…

3 – If You Have To Work While On Vacation, What’s The Point?

First, whatever problem you have can get handled while it’s still small. This will save everything from money to client relationships, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Second, it’s easier to relax if you know that things are being handled. How can anyone de-stress if there’s a nightmare going on back home?

I can remember, many years ago, being on a vacation in Paris with my wife and daughter. We were in the artist’s village of Mont Marte on the hill behind the Sacre Coeur. As they were getting their portraits done, I was on the phone having a meeting.

The meeting was unmemorable. I can’t even remember who the client was. But every time I look at that portrait, I remember that day and smile.

I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed working as much as I did then and there.

Let me leave you with this…

I recently ran into a friend at brunch on a Sunday. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, and he had a couple of tax questions.

I calmly and patiently answered his queries. He then said that he was surprised at how calm I was during tax season. He said that he would have expected me to be a mess.

Given what’s happening, I probably should be. But I learned many years ago to schedule long weekends out of town during tax season.

Julie and I will go away every four weeks to get out of our element, rest, and de-stress. Without these mini-breaks, we’d probably be divorced.

Managing your mental health is an important part of entrepreneuring, and only you can do it.

Where you go and what you do is your thing. That you get it done, is as important as how you do your job. Without taking care of yourself, you won’t be very good.

So take a minute, open your calendar, and plan your next couple of vacations. By plan, I mean do more than schedule yourself out of the office. Buy some plane tickets, book some room nights, schedule an excursion or two, and just go.

Our time on this big blue marble is short. We might as well enjoy the ride.

We’re all going to get through this. Let’s get through it together.

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Accounting Solutions Ltd. stands ready to complete our mission and purpose of protecting you, your family, and your business. Whether you need Payroll Services, or Accounting and Tax Work, you have but to ask. I’m here and I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Chris Amundson


Accounting Solutions Ltd.



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