The Federal government will shutdown at midnight tomorrow night without another spending measure. Leaders on Capitol Hill have been trying for weeks to get the existing $1.4T spending measure passed which would keep the Government in business until next September.
Congressional leaders have continued to say that no one is going home for the Christmas break without passing another stimulus bill. The existing $900B bill would be tied to any spending measure measure, and would include
1 – Extension of the $300 per week unemployment benefits
2 – Direct payments to many American families of $600
3 – $300B in small business support
Of course, the fighting continues.
Congressional proponents of the incoming President are saying that the outgoing President is trying to sabotage the new President’s agenda. Does it ever end with these people? When many in our country need their help the most, these people can’t stop fighting.
We’ll see if they can get anything done.
Let me leave you with this.
December is usually the busiest month of the year for me, because I need to do the final tax planning for all of my customers who have sent in their work through November.
If you haven’t sent it in, please do so today. Without a current financial statement there’s no way that I can provide advice. We want to do whatever we can to minimize your taxes.
As we do those financial statements, we’re finding extreme winners and losers in this economy. Many clients are having the worst year of their life, but that isn’t true for everyone. Many have taken every advantage they could in these difficult times and been aggressive. We’re going to have some real income tax issues for many this year.
We’re getting favorable news from the banks on the PPP Loan Forgiveness work that we’ve submitted. So far, we’ve received favorable responses on about thirty loans. Many banks are still not accepting applications, but I expect the rest to go fine as well.
If you still need help getting forgiveness on your loan, please click the button below and fill out the online agreement. We’d love to help you.
In addition, our new online electronic payroll service is up and running, providing the same high level of customer service synonymous with our good name. It takes a couple of weeks for us to get this properly set up. If you’d like help with this, please click the button below and request a quotation. It’s a lot easier to have your payroll and your accounting work at the same place.
With the weekend looming, take some time for yourself this holiday season. Get some rest, read a book, or go on a nature hike. We seem to have turned a corner with the first vaccine being administered and the others on the way, but we certainly aren’t out of the woods yet. Only whatever God you pray to has any idea what we’re going to get hit with next year, so get some rest.
Whatever happens, we’re all going to get through it. Let’s get through it together.
Accounting Solutions Ltd. stands ready to complete our mission and purpose of protecting you, your family, and your business. If there’s anything you need, whether you’re a current client or not, you have but to ask. I’m here and I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Chris Amundson
Accounting Solutions Ltd.
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