The Main Ingredient Of The American Melting Pot

If you’ve turned on a TV, read a newspaper, or opened a laptop in the last couple of months, I’m sure you realize that we all vote tomorrow. There are several important seats up for grabs from national to local elections.

Several changes have been made since the last time we voted. Congressional districts have been redrawn and your local polling place may have changed.

In order to help in the process, the following may help you find your polling place.

Cook County

Lake County

DuPage County

Will County

Over 40% of my readers are outside of these counties while 20% reside in another state. Please do a quick Google search to find your local polling place.

But please take the time tomorrow to make your voice heard. Little things like control of your state, the Senate, and the House of Representatives is at stake.

Let me leave you with this.

Tomorrow’s vote is going to be contentious. The last time our great nation was this divided was just before The Civil War. Many are predicting another one and we can only pray that cooler heads will prevail.

After the vitriol and name-calling ends tomorrow, let’s all make it a point of being one of those cooler heads. The politics of division so prevalent in our Great Land of Liberty do nothing but erase our freedoms and the idea that is America.

For we are One Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all. Not two, not three, just one.

It’s certainly true that our nation was founded on an idea conceived in a tavern after way too much rum. That idea led to more bloodshed than any of us could possibly imagine.

And the greatest nation to ever grace the earth.

I’m a born, bred, and educated Chicagoan who was taught that if you disagree with me, you aren’t my enemy. That disagreement, when handled properly, actually makes you my Brother.

I was also taught that there is honor in defending all of my Brother’s and Sister’s rights to disagree with me. For that is the very concept of America, the main ingredient in our great melting pot.

We all come from different backgrounds, beliefs, and sexual orientations. Without those wonderful differences our country would be just another Third World Nation where everyone looks, acts, and thinks alike.

My point is that disagreements are different than armed insurrections. A couple of Americans sitting down calmly explaining their differing political viewpoints is different from someone who attacks a senior citizen they don’t even know with a hammer because they might have a differing view.

Once the voting is over, we’ll need to come back together as one. The only way we’ll survive is as a whole rather than as individual parts. Your separate fingers aren’t half as strong as when you bind them together as a fist.

But in order to do that, we all need to lead.

Entrepreneurs are, by definition, centers of influence. People look to us to provide leadership on a range of issues.

America cannot continue on a path of discord for United we Stand and Divided we Fall. Our current path will lead to nothing less than destruction.

But before anything else, you’ll need to vote. Who you vote for is your business. Vote for someone, against someone else, whatever, but lead by example. Carry that little piece of paper they hand you at your local polling place that says you voted proudly.

Add something to the pot, and encourage others to do the same. And once tomorrow ends, do your best, helping everyone you know to come together as one.

It’s just a guess but on Wednesday, we may need cooler heads to prevail.

We’re all going to get through this. Let’s get through it together.

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Sincerely yours,

Chris Amundson
Accounting Solutions Ltd.

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